There are a lot of similarities between me and some guy I just read about in an article. We are both into fantasy football. We both have had discussions about our team at work. The only difference is he got fired for it!
That is some bull. This guy chatted with a friend via IM about how bad a player did during a week of games, and his employer ended up calling him into an office and firing him for gambling on the job. That is ridiculous. If that was the case, most of the guys at LD would be fired. Devane, Frank, Me, Dindo, Scoop, Richard, Jason (fired twice cuz he talks so loud about it), Hien (fired twice cuz he's on so much and that's all he uses his 2nd screen for), and a bunch of warehouse guys too, oh and even Michelle! Oh, and Aaron would have to fire himself.
I thought this article was going to be about how much time this guy spent on fantasy football sites during work or something along those lines (cuz there are definitely some people here that spend too much time reading up on their players and yelling about it from downstairs so everyone can hear it) , but it was simply because they considered it gambling. It's not gambling. Anyone that plays fantasy football or fantasy sports, knows it goes way beyond that. It's a game. It's fun. Sure, in most cases there's a league fee of like $10-20 but that is only to ensure people are committed and don't just join the league and not change their players over a span of 17 weeks (this would be boring, trust me some people still do it). You wouldn't call someone a gambler if they payed to join a basketball tournament where the winners win money.
Fantasy is about having a reason to watch every football game, being able to talk crap to people even when you're favorite team is sucking (49ers haven't had a winning season in almost a decade :( ) Unfortunately for me I took last place in my "leagve" (that's a whole other story), so have had crap spoken to me about my favorite team and fantasy team. 

Here is the link if you want to read the story:,208825
Good luck to this guy. I hope for his boss' sake that this guy sucked on the job and they are using this fantasy thing as a cover to fire him. What is the world coming to?