Are you ready? It's time for the US version of "the running of the bulls". That's right Nov. 27, 2009 is quickly coming up and there are going to be sales sales sales. It's funny, because I took part of Black Friday last year and I hardly bought anything. The items I was interested in weren't really on sale. I heard that black friday is a bunch of BS too, because the things that have large discounts are usually limited to like 5 per store, so unless you're willing to stomp all over a few people you aren't going to get what you are looking for. Not to mention that the discount isn't that great to begin with. Just look on ebay or craigslist and I'm sure you can get a decent price for whatever item you're looking for.
I'm also curious as to why they call it Black Friday. Looking at picture two I can make a guess, but I don't think that's why they call it that.
Let's check back in a month and I'm sure the prices from Black Friday will be back .
Here are some from Wal-Mart:
Magnovox blu ray player $78
Sanyo 50 inch plasma (720p) $598
Tom Tom GPS $59
Reversible fleece jacket $7
Barbie Power wheels ride-on $88
These specials will supposedly last from 5am-11am. We'll check back in Dec. to see what the prices are closer to Christmas. I'm excited for this bit of research, I feel like an investigative reporter.
Be safe if you do attend any of these sales and remember to wear your matador outfit just in case.