Monday, March 8, 2010

And the Snubbing Goes To...

So Oscar night is officially over and the snubbing has begun! I haven't seen all of the movies that were up for best picture, but did watch all 3 of the front runners: Inglorious Basterds, The Hurt Locker, and Avatar.

In my opinion Avatar should've won. Easily. The guy changed the way movies are made and yet, he get's snubbed twice (for best picture and best director). His movie was the biggest thing ever to happen to the movies and yet, he doesn't come home with the trophy. That is some BS. The Hurt Locker was 3rd on my list between those 3 movies. It was slow at times, and dragged on. I get it, it's about what is going on with a handful of our troops that are overseas, but really a movie should win for it's story and the way it was filmed. Not because it's about a serious topic.I respect and pray for our troops too, but just because a movie is made about it, doesn't mean that it should've won.

Too often does the academy choose a movie, simply because it's sad. The Hurt Locker was a good movie, but didnt' nearly deserve the hype and awards that it won.

This goes for Meryl Streep too. I didn't see Blind Side, so can't really hate on Sandra Bullock winning best actress. But Meryl Streep did such a good job on Julie & Julia, I can't see how someone else could've beaten her.

Well this is just my opinion, I'm sure some of you agree or disagree. To those who disagree with me, Snub you!

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