Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fantasy Football can lead to Fired in Reality

There are a lot of similarities between me and some guy I just read about in an article. We are both into fantasy football. We both have had discussions about our team at work. The only difference is he got fired for it!

That is some bull. This guy chatted with a friend via IM about how bad a player did during a week of games, and his employer ended up calling him into an office and firing him for gambling on the job. That is ridiculous. If that was the case, most of the guys at LD would be fired. Devane, Frank, Me, Dindo, Scoop, Richard, Jason (fired twice cuz he talks so loud about it), Hien (fired twice cuz he's on so much and that's all he uses his 2nd screen for), and a bunch of warehouse guys too, oh and even Michelle! Oh, and Aaron would have to fire himself.

I thought this article was going to be about how much time this guy spent on fantasy football sites during work or something along those lines (cuz there are definitely some people here that spend too much time reading up on their players and yelling about it from downstairs so everyone can hear it) , but it was simply because they considered it gambling. It's not gambling. Anyone that plays fantasy football or fantasy sports, knows it goes way beyond that. It's a game. It's fun. Sure, in most cases there's a league fee of like $10-20 but that is only to ensure people are committed and don't just join the league and not change their players over a span of 17 weeks (this would be boring, trust me some people still do it). You wouldn't call someone a gambler if they payed to join a basketball tournament where the winners win money.

Fantasy is about having a reason to watch every football game, being able to talk crap to people even when you're favorite team is sucking (49ers haven't had a winning season in almost a decade :( ) Unfortunately for me I took last place in my "leagve" (that's a whole other story), so have had crap spoken to me about my favorite team and fantasy team.

Good luck to this guy. I hope for his boss' sake that this guy sucked on the job and they are using this fantasy thing as a cover to fire him. What is the world coming to?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Leave Tiger Alone

Where's Chris Crocker when you need him? Ok, so when do you think this whole Tiger Woods thing is going to blow over? (get it blow.hehehe) Give the guy some air for crying out loud. I mean haven't we heard enough? (don't answer that Biancs...she loves celebrity gossip) so the guy messed up, once, twice, ok about 20 times, but really it's no one's business but him and his wife. Why are we so intrigued with other people's misfortunes? I admit that sometimes I too enjoy hearing these things, but enough is enough. I can only imagine how shitty it has to be for her.

Poor woman (not literally, cuz I heard she's balling if she stays with him). Imagine trying to get over this and being reminded every time you turn on the damn tv!!! You can sometimes have something that reminds you of an ex-flame like a song, a movie, even a trinket, but his wife gets to listen to the radio, watch tv, and probably have stranger's look at her and whisper, "It'll be ok." It won't! Not if these people don't leave them alone. Geez (she's hot btw)

Sorry I was just watching football and heard that he's losing a bunch of endorsements over this whole ordeal. I wish his family the best, good luck trying to fix this crappy situation.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Finding a Christmas Tree

It has become a ritual that Steph, my mother, and I go to All American and find our yearly Christmas tree. As we performed our yearly tradition and went on the hunt to find a tree, I quickly realized that I have no idea how to find a good Christmas tree. Every tree that I thought was good enough, was either crooked or too empty in certain areas. What makes a good tree anyway? I'm sorry Biancs, I know that next year (when we finally get to choose our own tree and start a new tradition of our own) I'm going to suck at picking a tree. I'll keep pushing for a reject tree that looks like the Charlie Brown tree.
This got me wondering, what happens to all the reject trees? Steph and I made our way down the aisles and came across an aisle that seemed to be full of the rejected trees. Ones that just looked beat up and you just knew no one was going to pick . I wanted to choose one of these reject trees for sympathy and just have it on display in our front yard or something. Poor trees. They were like the ginger children of their society. All the other trees poke fun at these trees and pick on them and designate a day to kick them. It's a very sad sad scenario. I think that places that sell Christmas trees, should at least offer some sort of discount for these "ginger" trees so that they can at least stand a chance to be purchased.
Notice that in this picture above, this tree appears to have a crack in it.
Well Merry Christmas everyone, let me know if you have any tips on finding a good tree so I won't be so bad at it next year. I'll post up pics of our decorated tree once it's finished.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Cup of Life

Here we Go. Ole Ole Ole. The Cup of Life. Ole ole ole.

That's right everybody, it's that time again (or at least 8 months until that time). The world cup drawing has officially happened, so now we know the dates of the games and who is playing in them.

I'm very excited about Argentina's group, because it's a relatively easy one. We've been stuck in the "group of death" (the hardest group) in the past 2 world cups and in the past 9 were in 7 of them! Ain't that some shhhh.

The 2010 world cup is going to be awesome and I hope that each and every one of you takes some time to watch the world's most watched event. I sense some BBQs are going to take place. So remember to shake your money maker and root for your country (and the countries where your ancestors are from).

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Black Friday

Are you ready? It's time for the US version of "the running of the bulls". That's right Nov. 27, 2009 is quickly coming up and there are going to be sales sales sales. It's funny, because I took part of Black Friday last year and I hardly bought anything. The items I was interested in weren't really on sale. I heard that black friday is a bunch of BS too, because the things that have large discounts are usually limited to like 5 per store, so unless you're willing to stomp all over a few people you aren't going to get what you are looking for. Not to mention that the discount isn't that great to begin with. Just look on ebay or craigslist and I'm sure you can get a decent price for whatever item you're looking for.
I'm also curious as to why they call it Black Friday. Looking at picture two I can make a guess, but I don't think that's why they call it that.

Let's check back in a month and I'm sure the prices from Black Friday will be back .
Here are some from Wal-Mart:
Magnovox blu ray player $78
Sanyo 50 inch plasma (720p) $598
Tom Tom GPS $59
Reversible fleece jacket $7
Barbie Power wheels ride-on $88
These specials will supposedly last from 5am-11am. We'll check back in Dec. to see what the prices are closer to Christmas. I'm excited for this bit of research, I feel like an investigative reporter.

Be safe if you do attend any of these sales and remember to wear your matador outfit just in case.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Kick a Ginger Day

So it is now Nov. 23 and I'm sorry folks, I totally forgot about "Kick a Ginger Day". Yes, Nov. 20 is officially kick a ginger day. For those who don't know what this entails: Kick a Ginger day is when you are supposed to go around and kick redheaded kids with freckles. Damnit Brenna, you got away with it this year, but I won't forget next year.

All jokes aside, you have to read this article about kids at a Middle school who kicked a ginger on Nov. 20, because of Kick a ginger day. It's freaking hilarious. Sorry ginger, your dad should have married an Asian. "they don't carry the gene".

I know this was a bit mean and distasteful, but I couldn't help laughing. "ill gross" Cartman Voice.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Something that irritates me

You know when you're walking through the mall (or in my case school) and you get to the escalater. You're thinking alright I get to take a small break here and just stand while the ground below me moves. Awesome. It's awesome how technology works, but then you realize something. Hey the escalater isn't moving. That really pisses me off. It seems like the steps on an escalater are bigger and go on forever. Instead of taking the easy route you get stuck taking the long way with the high steps. This makes me think of a quote :

"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going."

But then again, was it worth it to get to class (I was late)? Eh, maybe it will be one day. Who knows?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Botfly Invasion

They're creepy, they're crawly, they casually live in you for up to 6 weeks without paying any rent. The Human Bot fly is an organism that burrows it's way onto a mammal feeding off of them until they are ready to fly.
What happens is a mama bot fly basically tackles a mosquito mid flight and lays it's eggs on the mosquito's underbelly. They glue the eggs there and when a mosquito lands on a mammal the body heat melts the glue and the baby bot fly's crawl from their eggs and burrows onto the skin of the host. It looks like an ordinary bug bite at first, but then gets huge and painful.

I suggest going to youtube and looking up the video: "3 bot fly for the price of one." You won't be disappointed.

I think we should get a human sacrifice to test this out so we can witness it first hand. Please pick who you think we should sacrifice on the appropriate poll. Remember to wear bug spray when traveling.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Band on the Run

This sounds like a really fun idea... Imagine Secret Identity playing for the 1000's of people running through the streets and being inspired to run harder after listening to the band rock it up. What this is, is a marathon that has a bunch of bands set up like every 1/4 mile so that the spectators and runners can be entertained while waiting for their runner to finish. I'm going to email these people and see what it takes to be a band for this gig. Sounds like fun. Who's in?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sleep Paralysis

She laid in her bed, breathing slowly in out, in out. "get up." She thought to herself. "get up". She couldn't. There was something (or someone) holding her down. After struggling nervously for what felt like hours, she finally managed to push it off. She ran immediately to her Mother's room screaming. Her mother got up in time to notice a shadow following her daughter.
"What is that?" her mother shouted as the shadow jumped upon her pinning her to the bed. The girl watched as her mother struggled to move, she could see the fear in her eyes, but that was it. No movement at all. Finally the shadow flew off and was nowhere to be seen.

Both mom and daughter sat staring at each other happy that it was finally over and full of tears.
Frank you're not alone. The shadow just flew from this room into yours, who's next? Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fastfood Policy

You know when you're starving and finally give in to your stomach by going to McDonalds for some crispy, golden, white meat chicken nuggets? You give the cashier your money, she returns your change and asks, "What kind of sauce do you want?" You stop to think, "hmm... Hot mustard is always good, but Sweet and Sour is a must." So like any normal human being you decide "I want both." Then the McDonalds worker looks at you like you're an idiot (cuz you know you're the one working at McDonalds right?) and says you can only pick one. F That. The taste explosion from the combination of the mustard and sweet and sour sauce combined is too enticing. You give in to the 15 cents for extra sauce policy that they have, because arguing over a free sauce is really just a waste of time. It's so funny how something as little as 15 cents can piss you off so much. I mean this is McDonalds we're talking about. One of the biggest companies in the world and they created a freaking sauce policy. That is some shit.
Frank, Devane, and I were discussing this and thought that we should set up a boycott. I mean we're going through tough times with the economy and low unemployment rates, a free sauce with our nuggets should be mandatory. Like 1 sauce is enough for 6 nuggets. Some McDonald's restaurants are cool and will hook you up with extra sauce no questions asked. We want to picket the ones that have douche bag employees who get off on denying people a free dipping sauce.
I don't think I've tried a triple dip combination of bbq, sweet and sour, and hot mustard and I don't even think it would be that good, but in the end that should be my decision to try, not some lame ass McDonald's employee.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Saturday Oct. 24, 2009

So I woke up sleepy from a long night of pumpkin fighting (I think i might have fought a couple in my sleep too, because I was exhausted). I had to go to work so did for close to 8 hours, crappy especially on a Saturday. When i got home I was looking forward to a long nap, but realized I wasn't going to be able to, because had to go out for Michelle's bday. Happy freaking birthday Michelle! I jumped in the shower and rushed out the door to meet at Daniela's. Ring Ring. "Sup Frank?" . "Hey buy me a ticket off a scalper when you get there for Kim." Crap, now I got to the bank, no problem." Rush to bank, then make it to Daniela's. We rushed over to the show and I got to show off my negotiation skills with a scalper for Frank. "Hey man, you need a ticket?" "Yeah, how much?" "Face value, $50" "Umm" I put on my poker face and was like "I don't know... ok that's cool". Damn I suck at bargaining (Sorry Frank). We get inside (yes, the scalper's ticket worked) and made it just in time to watch the first band, Wax! Have you ever heard of Wax before? If not, there's a reason for that. They freaking suck. "Take a drink of water, have a seat, Take a drink of water, have a seat... 1-2-3-4-5-6 Pick up Bricks". It's sad when a band like that gets to play shows with Weezer and I have to play at the Stardust. After an hour of trying to plug my ears, because I was afraid of another enraged blackout, Weezer finally came on. "Wow." They are freaking awesome. I've seen them before, but they were so entertaining on this night. Forgive me for not knowing any of their names, oh wait I know the singer's name is Rivers or something like that, but he was fun. His energy was perfect and his jokes were just right. One thing about being a guitar player is when you watch a good band perform you rush home and just want to play your guitar to get better, instead of practicing guitar, I wanted to practice running around the stage and being fun like he was. Michelle, I was exhausted before the show started, but am very glad I got to go for your birthday. Thanks for the invite and great idea! To everyone else, I suggest checking them out live, you're guaranteed a good time. Who knew? Weezer Rocks.

My Friday Night Black Out

So, I was a bit off about the pumpkin carving party. There were definitely pumpkins and people were carving them, but I ended up just hanging out with the guys instead. Unfortunately, Devane and the rest of the party left to a club leaving me unwatched... bad idea. I walked by and noticed that someone (or something) was giving me the old stink eye. I blacked out from what I could only determine was due to the rage inside me wanting to get out and show that pumpkin who's boss.
One punch turned into 3 or 4 and then before anyone knew what was going on there was a pumpkin massacre. I awoke from my blackout covered in guts, next to the mutiliated pieces of what I assume was the old stink eye pumpkin. I went to my knees and begged God for forgiveness. Will he forgive... only time will tell. How was your Friday night?

Friday, October 23, 2009

Pumpkin Carving

What do you do when your fiance is out of town?

Some people might stay home and listen to Celine Dion's "All by Myself" song on repeat while tearing up alone in the dark. Others may go out with their friends and get trashed playing beer pong or flip cup. I say no to both. What I am going to do is attend Devane's pumpkin carving party. Yes folks, we are going to carve some pumpkins, install a candle, and watch the horror as the light illuminates our images and embeds them into our souls. Well, it's not really that spooky. Last year I made a Ninja Turtle one, but it looked awesome. I'll post up some pics tomorrow or the next day with some of the pumpkin creations. Happy Halloween, almost.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mind Control

Ok, so remember in X-men when Professor X would use his telekinesis to move around objects? Remember in Star Wars when Master Yoda lifted the X-wing out of the lake on the planet of Dagobah, using nothing but his mind(the force)? If you don't remember, that doesn't matter cuz I do and found a new toy that exercises your ablilty to move things with your mind.

What this is , is some weird head gear that sends your brainwaves over to a floating ball and makes it move around obstacles and stuff. It's crazy, watch the video. If you buy it let me know so I can borrow it. We now have the ability to do something I've been wanting to do ever since I was a wee lad. This is awesome and only $80 at Wal-mart and Target. Hey my birthday is coming up in a few months...

Welcome to My Blog

Here we will be talking about things going on in my life (wedding planning, football, work, family, friends, and more... in that order). Let me know what you think and I'll make any changes and improvements as you want. This is my first blog ever, so don't criticize me too badly.